Department of Skate ships Internationally!
What about Wheels?
Wheels are rated by durometer, which is a measure of hardness.
There are several scales. Most of what you’ll see for quads uses the Shore A scale, which tops out at 100A. Which makes it extra goofy when you see some stuff listed at 101 or 103 which... doesn’t exist.

Some European stuff uses Shore D, which is for harder stuff. And just to be difficult, some skateboard stuff uses Shore B.

Just about all the 78A stuff out there is quite similar. Every company makes one.
List: Radar Energy or Donut, Atom Pulse or Pulse Lite or Road Hogs, Bont BPM or Glide, Chaya Big Softies, Sure Grip Boardwalk or Aerobic or Gravity, Rollerbones Miami (actually 80A but you won’t notice), Roll-Line Helium, Juice Smoothies, Airwaves, Sims Street Snakes, etc.

Some plates fight with Atom Pulse 65mm wheels which have an indent on the inside edge. Those plates include the Marvel (Moxi Beach Bunny, Panther, Riedell Dart, Dash, Riedell Orbit), the Powerdyne Arius, and Roll-Line Energy/Dance/Variant. In those cases, use a 62mm wheel and/or washers to push the wheel out the axle a bit.
PowerDyne Fuse cannot accept wheels larger than 62mm due to the design of the plate deck.
Beyond that, pick your favorite color and enjoy!